Spelling Bee Words For Sixth Graders

Embark on an enriching journey into the world of spelling bee words for sixth graders, where wordsmiths hone their skills and expand their linguistic prowess. This guide unlocks effective strategies, practice resources, and advanced techniques to conquer the challenges of spelling competitions.

As you delve into the intricacies of sixth-grade spelling bees, you’ll discover the secrets to memorizing complex words, leveraging root words and affixes, and mastering the art of active recall. Prepare to elevate your spelling accuracy and emerge as a formidable competitor in the realm of words.

Spelling Bee Word Definitions

Spelling bees are competitive events where participants test their spelling skills. They are designed to promote literacy, improve vocabulary, and foster a love of language.

Sixth-grade spelling bees typically target students aged 11-12 years old. The word lists used in these competitions are carefully curated to align with the curriculum and developmental level of sixth graders.

Common Word Lists

Some of the most common word lists used in sixth-grade spelling bees include:

  • Scripps National Spelling Bee Word List
  • Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary
  • Oxford English Dictionary
  • Webster’s Third New International Dictionary

Strategies for Learning Spelling Bee Words

Mastering spelling bee words requires effective study techniques that promote long-term retention. This involves understanding the words’ meanings, breaking them down into smaller units, and employing active recall and spaced repetition.

Spaced Repetition, Spelling bee words for sixth graders

Spaced repetition involves reviewing words at increasing intervals to strengthen memory. This technique capitalizes on the forgetting curve, which demonstrates that information is forgotten rapidly after initial learning. By reviewing words at spaced intervals, the brain is forced to retrieve the information, thereby reinforcing its storage in memory.

Active Recall

Active recall involves actively retrieving information from memory without relying on notes or cues. This process strengthens memory by forcing the brain to work harder to access the information. Techniques such as flashcards, self-testing, and writing practice all promote active recall.

Breaking Down Complex Words

Complex words can be daunting to memorize. Breaking them down into smaller units, such as roots, prefixes, and suffixes, can make them more manageable. Understanding the meaning of these components aids in remembering the word’s overall spelling.

Resources for Spelling Bee Practice

Spelling bee words for sixth graders

Engaging in regular practice is crucial for success in spelling bees. Fortunately, various resources are available to assist sixth-graders in their preparation.

Utilizing different types of resources offers a multifaceted approach to learning, catering to diverse learning styles and preferences. Online platforms provide interactive exercises and simulations, while books offer a structured and comprehensive approach. Apps offer portability and convenience, allowing for practice on the go.


  • Spelling City:An interactive website with games, puzzles, and practice tests.
  • Education.com:Offers a range of spelling practice activities, including word searches and fill-in-the-blanks.
  • Spelling Bee Champ:Provides a comprehensive list of spelling bee words, along with practice exercises.


  • Wordament:A game-based app that challenges players to find words within a grid of letters.
  • SpellTower:A puzzle game that requires players to build words by stacking letters vertically.
  • Spelling Bee Blitz:An app that offers timed spelling challenges and practice exercises.


  • The Official Scripps National Spelling Bee Guide:A comprehensive guidebook with practice words, strategies, and tips.
  • Winning Words: A Vocabulary Builder for the Spelling Bee:A book that provides definitions and examples of commonly used spelling bee words.
  • Spell It!: The Ultimate Guide to Spelling Success:A book that covers spelling rules, strategies, and practice exercises.

Table of Features

The following table compares the key features of various spelling bee practice resources:

Feature Websites Apps Books
Interactive Exercises Yes Yes No
Game-Based Learning Yes Yes No
Comprehensive Word Lists Yes Yes Yes
Timed Practice Yes Yes No
Convenience Yes Yes No
Structured Learning Yes No Yes

Advanced Spelling Bee Techniques: Spelling Bee Words For Sixth Graders

Advanced spelling bee techniques empower spellers to tackle challenging words with greater accuracy. These techniques involve leveraging root words, prefixes, and suffixes to decipher unfamiliar or complex spellings.

Root Words

Root words form the core of many words and provide insight into their meaning and spelling. By identifying the root word, spellers can derive the base meaning of the word and deduce its correct spelling.

  • Example: The root word “chron” (time) is found in words like “chronology” (study of time) and “chronic” (long-lasting).


Prefixes are added to the beginning of root words to modify their meaning. Understanding common prefixes helps spellers recognize patterns and anticipate the spelling of unfamiliar words.

  • Example: The prefix “un-” (not) changes the meaning of “happy” to “unhappy” and “fair” to “unfair.”


Suffixes are added to the end of root words to indicate tense, number, or other grammatical functions. Recognizing common suffixes enables spellers to correctly spell words even if they are unfamiliar with the root word.

  • Example: The suffix “-ed” (past tense) transforms “love” to “loved” and “walk” to “walked.”

Sample Spelling Bee Words

Spelling bee words for sixth graders

Spelling bee competitions provide a platform for students to showcase their spelling prowess and expand their vocabulary. To excel in these competitions, sixth graders must master a diverse range of words, encompassing varying difficulty levels and categories. This comprehensive list of sample spelling bee words for sixth graders will aid in their preparation and enhance their chances of success.

Words from Different Difficulty Levels

Spelling bee words can be categorized into three primary difficulty levels: easy, medium, and hard. Easy words typically consist of familiar, commonly used terms, while medium words introduce slightly more complex spellings and less frequently encountered words. Hard words challenge students with advanced vocabulary, uncommon letter combinations, and intricate pronunciations.

Word Definition Part of Speech
accommodation the act of providing lodging or a place to stay noun
amateur a person who engages in an activity for pleasure rather than as a profession noun
apparent clearly visible or obvious adjective
athlete a person who is trained in or skilled at sports noun
celebrate to commemorate or observe (an event) with festivities verb

FAQ Overview

What are the most common word lists used in sixth-grade spelling bees?

Sixth-grade spelling bees often draw words from lists such as the Scripps National Spelling Bee Word List, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, and state-specific word lists.

How can I effectively study for a spelling bee?

Effective study techniques include spaced repetition, active recall, breaking down complex words, and using root words and affixes.

Where can I find practice materials for sixth-grade spelling bees?

Numerous websites, apps, and books offer practice materials, such as SpellingCity, Vocabulary.com, and WordMasters Challenge.